All new shoot dates should be sent to the Shoot Dates Organiser.



26 Aurora Field Archery Club 2x20 3Ds, Catering, 9.30 am Start, Catering, Pre-Book, Pre-Pay, Book online


9 Whitefriars 2x20 3Ds, 10am start
16 Mutley Crew 2x20 3Ds, full catering, dogs and X bows allowed, 10am start
16 Harlequin Bowhunters 36 3Ds, full catering, pre-pay, 10am start
16 Excaliber 40 3Ds, componds allowed but no X bows, 10am start, hot and cold drinks soup and rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
23 Wolfshead Field Archers CANCELLED
23 Paget de Vesey 2x18 3Ds and paper faces, full catering, dogs and X bows allowed
23 Oakwood Bowmen Friendly 2x18, 10am start


9 Centaura Field Bowmen 2x20 3Ds and Faces, Full Catering, Dogs and X Bows Allowed, muster 9.45 for 10am start
16 Exmouth Archers First Open Shoot, Pre-Book, Pre-Pay, entry form on NFAS facebook or Exmouth website from December
16 Excaliber 40 3Ds, 10am start, componds allowed but no X bows, hot and cold drinks, soup, rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
23 Purbeck 36 3Ds, Jurassic Shoot, 10am start, pre-book, pre-pay
23 Tendring 2x20 3Ds, limited catering, no X bows, £10 entry, pay on the day, book via
30 Wolverine 36 Targets, catering, book by text


Don't forget, you will need to have renewed your membership (for 2025/2026) for any shoots past this date.
6 Black Arrow 20th Anniversary shoot, 36 3Ds, full catering, 10am start
6 Hollywood 2x20 3Ds and hessian faces, 10am start, vegetarian catering, sorry no X bows
6 Oakwood Bowmen Open, 2x18, 10am start
13 Severn Valley Yeo.For. 36 mostly 3Ds, 10am start
13 Whitefriars 2x20 3Ds, 10am start
13 Dearne Valley 40 Mixed, 10am start, juniors free, dogs welcome
13 NEW Yew Tree 2x20 3Ds, full catering, no X bows, bookings from 1st March to
19 to 20 Rednex Easter shoot, 40 3Ds each day, full catering, pay on the day, sorry no dogs
20 NEW Toad Hollow Ian Bolton Memorial shoot
27 Duvelle Bowmen 40 Mixed, Full Catering, Pre- Book, Pre-Pay
27 South Wilts A.C. The Bluebell Shoot, 40 Big Game, mostly 3Ds, hot and cold food, registration by 9.30, assembly at 10am, pre-book, pre-pay on entry form on club website from 7th February, Adults £10, Juniors free


3 to 4 South Devon Weekend Bowhunter style shoot, Brixham Saturday, South Hams Sunday, £10 per day, camping at South Hams only £5 per night, pre-book, pre-pay, Bookings from February 1st, great catering all weekend, details on websites
4 Long Eaton Bluebell shoot, 36 3Ds, full catering, 10am start
4 Riggwelter 40 mostly 3Ds, full catering, dogs welcome
4 Excaliber 40 3Ds, 10am start, componds allowed but no X bows, hot and cold drinks, soup, rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
11 Aurora Field Archery Club Master Archer, 2X20 3Ds, 10am Start, Catering, Pre-Book, Pre-Pay, Book online
11 Cheshire Oak Bowmen Catering, 10am start, sorry no dogs
11 Archers of Dolphinholme 2X20 Mixed 3Ds and paper faces, 10am start, full catering vegetarians please order in advance
11 Kings Clipstone Wooden arrow shoot, 2x20 mostly 3Ds, full catering, sorry no X bows, land owners requirements, 10am start, booking to
11 Ballands Bowmen 36 3Ds
18 Mutley Crew 36 3Ds, full catering, dogs and X bows allowed, 10am start
18 Harlequin Bowhunters 40 3Ds, full catering, pre-pay
18 Acorn Archers 2x20 mostly 3Ds, no catering, hot water , bring own mug, sorry no dogs, pre-pay
18 Havering Nalgo


1 Wolfshead Field Archers 40 x 3Ds, catering all day
1 Excaliber 40 3Ds, 10am start, componds allowed but no X bows, hot and cold drinks, soup, rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
7 to 8 North Devon 2 day Challenge Challenge hosted by Umberleigh and Elmtree at Umberleigh EX37 9DX, Booking for this shoot only to Colin Smithers 31 Fore Street, Langtree, Torrington, EX38 8NG, 07971 633123,
8 Ye Old Delph 2x20 all 3Ds, catering available, 10am walkout, dogs and X bows welcome
8 Regent Our only open shoot in 2025, 40 3Ds, club catering, gentle(ish) course, easy parking, dogs welcome , sorry no X bows
8 Magic Dragon 40 3Ds, full catering, 10am start, pre-book only, pre-pay or pay on the day
8 Whitefriars 2x20 3Ds, 10am start
15 Black Swan Archers 2x20 3Ds with different peg positions for each round, Shoot through, Full Catering
15 Kings Lynn 36 3Ds, full catering (to be confirmed) , 10am start
21 to 22 Druids Solstice shoot, 36 3Ds, both days , camping available
21 to 22 Cumbria Challenge At North Lakes and Pennington, 40 3Ds, catering and camping, all styles, dogs allowed, Pennington on Saturday, North Lakes on Sunday, 10am starts
22 Black Arrow 40 3Ds, full catering, 10am start
29 Pines Park 40 mostly 3Ds, club catering, X bows welcome
29 Cloth of Gold Bodnik style bowhunter shoot, no compounds or bows with sights, full catering, 10am start
29 Seedfield 2x20 3Ds, catering available, 10am start


5 to 6 North East Weekend Saturday at Viper, Sunday at Rangers of the North. Full catering. Pre-book, Pre-pay. Bookings via Lucy-
5 to 6 NEW Longbow Heritage Jims Jungle Jaunt at Shackleford, Surrey, camping, food and fun
6 Harlequin Bowhunters 40 3Ds, full catering, pre-pay
6 Osprey
6 Excaliber 40 3Ds, 10am start, componds allowed but no X bows, hot and cold drinks, Soup, rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
6 NEW Thornbury 10am start, adults £10 juniors free, sorry no dogs, book with Kirsty by email or text
12 to 13 Liberty Weekend Shoot
13 Lyme Valley Big Kevs Memorial shoot, 36 mixed, shoot through, trophy for 1st place HT
13 Oakwood Bowmen Open, 2x20, 10am start
19 to 20 Welsh Championships Saturday at Redoubtables, Sunday at Blaidd, 40 3Ds both days, full catering, bookings from Autumn 24
27 Acorn Archers 2x20 mostly 3Ds, no catering, hot eater bring own mug, sorry no dogs, pre-pay


2 to 3 Excaliber 50 + 3Ds, different course on day 2, medals each day, camping available, 10am starts, compounds allowed but no X bows, soup, rolls and snacks, breakfast bacon and egg rolls before the shoot
3 Spirit of Sherwood
10 Wolverine 36 Targets, catering, book by text
10 Row Brow 40 3Ds, full catering, sorry no dogs or X Bows , book with Elizabeth at
17 Black Swan Archers 2x20 3Ds, Different peg positions for each round, Shoot through, Full Catering
23 to 24 Lakeland Field Archers Weekend Shoot, Mostly 3Ds, Catering, Camping on site


7 Centaura Field Bowmen 2x21 3Ds and Faces, Full Catering, Dogs and X Bows Allowed
7 Aurora Field Archery Club 2x20 3Ds, 10am Start, Catering, Pre-Book, Pre-Pay, Book online
7 South Wilts A.C. Autumn Open
7 Wolfshead Field Archers 40 x 3Ds, catering all day
7 Delamere 36 Big Game, 10am safety briefing, catering all day, no sighted styles or X bows
21 Kings Lynn Trophy Shoot, 36 3Ds, full catering ( to be confirmed) 10am start
21 Black Arrow Clash of the classics. AFB, LB, PV only, 40 3Ds, full catering, 10am start
21 Archers of Dolphinholme 2X20 Mixed 3Ds and paper faces, 10am start, full catering, vegetarians please order in advance
21 Wild Geese North Yorkshire Challenge, 40 3Ds, full catering, 10am start
21 Havering Nalgo
21 NEW Yew Tree 2x20 3Ds, full catering, no X Bows, bookings from 1st August to
28 Duvelle Bowmen 36 Mixed, Full Catering, Pre-Book, Pre-Pay, 10am Start
28 Cloth of Gold 2x20 3Ds, full catering, 10am start


5 Pines Park 36 mostly 3Ds, club catering, X bows welcome
12 Seedfield 2x20 3Ds, catering available, 10am start
12 Whitefriars 2x20 3Ds, 10am start
19 Severn Valley Yeo.For. 36 mostly 3Ds, 10am start
19 Mutley Crew 2x20 3Ds, full catering, 10am start, dogs and X bows allowed
19 Purbeck 36 3Ds, Jurassic shoot. 10am start, pre-book, pre-pay
19 Kings Clipstone Early Halloween Wooden arrow shoot, full catering, 10am start, bookings to
26 Oakwood Bowmen Trophy Shoot, 2x18, 10am start


9 Cheshire Oak Bowmen Wooden arrow rememberance shoot, catering, 10am start, sorry no dogs
16 Harlequin Bowhunters 36 3Ds, full catering, pre-pay, 10am start
23 Liberty Turkey Shoot


7 Spirit of Sherwood Wooden Arrow Shoot
7 Oakwood Bowmen Friendly, Christmas Shoot, 2x18, 10am start
14 Whitefriars 2x16 3Ds, 10am start
28 South Wilts A.C. The Not Boxing Day Shoot



8 Centaura


6 Centaura
6 Delamere 36 Big game, 10am safety briefing, non sighted styles only, no X bows, catering all day



7 Centaura


5 Centaura

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