Committee Update

Earlier in the year, Harry Boyce advised the committee that he wanted to step down from President at the AGM and has subsequently decided to step down now. This decision was met with sadness as Harry has been an integral part of the committee for many years and he will be missed, however we understand the decision as it’s not an easy task. As it is preferable for the General Secretary and President positions to be kept separate, Lewis Chuck has kindly agreed to step in to the President role until a new volunteer is in position. We thank Harry for his selfless dedication to the NFAS over the last few years, and Lewis for stepping up temporarily to administer the President role.

‘Scott O’Brien, who stepped into the Supplies Officer position earlier in the year and was due to be ratified at the AGM, has unfortunately resigned from the role. Scott has been instrumental in improving the look of the NFAS shop, as witnessed at the 3D championships this year with the new items and gazebo, and the committee thank Scott for the time and effort put into the role during his time as Supplies Officer. If anyone would like to take on the role, please send details to

The call for committee roles is in this upcoming magazine. Applications from volunteers and the voting form will be in the September/October magazine, with the result announced in the November/December edition

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